This Blog was created with the purpose to facilitate young people who share Democratic Ideals in Puerto Rico and throughout our nation with a bilingual mechanism to interact and share their points of view in regards to the day to day issues of our great nation and the world.
On what was truly a historic first 2008 presidential debate, Democratic candidate Senator Barack Obama surprised critics and followers as well by according to many of them, effectively dominating the first presidential debate, on issues considered to be Republican presidential candidate John McCain's stronpoints; national defense and international policy!
Such an impressive showing by Senator Obama has many critics and political analysts indicating a potential downshift in Senator McCain's campaign. I on the contrary personally believe that both candidates held their own throughout the entire debate, although I did see Senator Obama with a slight edge due in part to his confidence, eye contact and demeanor. As for the rest of the debates, it seems everything should continue to shift in Obama's favor, due to the fact that these will be focused on domestic issues, specifically the economy.
This Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 the Puerto Rico Legislative Assembly along with its Presidents, the Honorable Kenneth McClintock and Jose Aponte will inaugurate a commemorative statue of President Harry Truman in remembrance of his visit to Puerto Rico in 1948.
This event will count with the participation of President Truman's grandson, Mr. Clifton Truman Daniel, all elected legislators and their staffers and is open to the general public. Do not miss this historical event! Mark it on your calendar!
Este video se creo para aglutinar a todo nuestro pueblo para exigirle a la Presidenta de la Camara Federal Nancy Pelosi y el lider de la mayoria Steny Hoyer a que bajen el HR 900 para asi resolver de una vez y por todas nuestro status colonial.
This video was created with the purpose of urging Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer to bring HR 900 The Puerto Rico Democracy Act down for a vote on the House floor in order to give the Puerto Rican people the opportunity to resolve its political status with the United States.
Enviar mensaje de apoyo y reclamo para que bajen la medida HR 900 a las siguientes direcciones: Send a message of support to the following numbers:
Office of the Speaker/ Oficina de Presidenta Nancy Pelosi: (202) 225-0100
Steny Hoyer Majority Leader/ Lider de la Mayoria:
phone/telefono:(202) 225-4131
Seremos mas efectivos si logramos una avalancha de llamadas e emails!Asi que tratemos de llamar todos los dias de lo que resta del mes a los numeros arriba mencionados. En la hora de almuerzo, por la manana, cuando estes en el tapon, etc. son momentos ideales!
Teamwork is key. We will be successfull by creating an avalanche of calls and emails to Nancy Pelosi's and Steny Hoyer's offices. Let's try to call and send emails everyday until the end of the month, which is end of session. Lunch hour, in the morning, and in the traffic jam are ideal moments of the day! Let's do it!
Recent Legislative Activity/ Tramite Legislativo:
2/7/2007: Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.
2/13/2007: Referred to the Subcommittee on Insular Affairs.
10/23/2007: Subcommittee on Insular Affairs Discharged. 10/23/2007: Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. 10/23/2007: Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.
4/22/2008 2:33pm: Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Natural Resources. H. Rept. 110-597. 4/22/2008 2:34pm: Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 370.
On this edition of PR Democrat Corner we take a glimpse into the life and term in office of President Harry S. Truman and his visit to the island of Puerto Rico on February 21st, 1948 where he met with then Puerto Rico Governor Jesus T. Pinero and Puerto Rico President of the Senate Luis Munoz Marin.
Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972) was the thirty-third President of the United States (1945–1953). As vice president, he succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died less than three months after he began his fourth term.
During World War I Truman served as an artillery officer. After the war he became part of the political machine of Tom Pendergast and was elected a county judge in Missouri and eventually a United States Senator. After he gained national prominence as head of the wartime Truman Committee, Truman replaced vice president Henry A. Wallace as Roosevelt's running mate in 1944.
As president, Truman faced challenge after challenge in domestic affairs. The disorderly reconversion of the economy of the United States was marked by severe shortages, numerous strikes, and the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act over his veto. He confounded all predictions to win re-election in 1948, largely due to his famous Whistle Stop Tour of rural America. After his re-election he was able to pass only one of the proposals in his Fair Deal program. He used executive orders to begin desegregation of the U.S. armed forces and to launch a system of loyalty checks to remove thousands of communist sympathizers from government office, even though he strongly opposed mandatory loyalty oaths for governmental employees, a stance that led to charges that his administration was soft on communism.
Truman's presidency was also eventful in foreign affairs, with the end of World War II and his decision to use nuclear weapons against Japan, the founding of the United Nations, the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, the Truman Doctrine to contain communism, the beginning of the Cold War, the creation of NATO, and the Korean War. Corruption in Truman's administration reached the cabinet and senior White House staff. Republicans made corruption a central issue in the 1952 campaign.
Truman, whose demeanor was very different from that of the patrician Roosevelt, was a folksy, unassuming president. He popularized such phrases as "The buck stops here" and "If you can't stand the heat, you better get out of the kitchen."[1] He overcame the low expectations of many political observers who compared him unfavorably with his highly regarded predecessor. At one point in his second term, near the end of the Korean War, Truman's public opinion ratings reached the lowest point yet recorded for any United States president until George W. Bush. Despite negative public opinion during his term in office, popular and scholarly assessments of his presidency became more positive after his retirement from politics and the publication of his memoirs. U.S. scholars today rank him among the top ten best presidents. Truman's legendary upset victory in 1948 over Thomas E. Dewey is routinely invoked by underdog presidential candidates.
PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S SPEECH IN SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO:(Click on official documents to read the President's personal Log)
(All Photos were taken in Puerto Rico courtesy of Truman Memorial Library)
Phillip Arroyo is a 28 year old moderate Democrat. Hailing proudly from the island of enchantment Puerto Rico, USA.
He is President of the Young Democrats of America Puerto Rico Chapter.
Mr. Arroyo is on record at the United Nations in New York having testified in favor of the decolonization of Puerto Rico and has lobbied in Congress for the same purpose.
On February 25th, 2009 he was appointed by the Governor of Puerto Rico to serve as a member of the Executive Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Committee.
He resides in San Juan, PR and has a daughter Camila Zoe.